Stop Hiding, Show Yourself

Why do we hide? Why do we run and flee? Is the weight of the world too much for us to face?

From our entrance, to our exit, many find every escape from pain. Who can live the easiest life? It is a sad motivator for the uninspired.

We hide behind our mother’s legs, clinging for that comfort. The safeness keeps us in our place. Is it a blessing? A curse?

The leg will eventually leave, but the desire, the need for the safety never naturally departs. Constricting opportunities, falsely promising happiness.

Stay in your place, don’t step into the unknown.

Where does that take you, where do you go? Nowhere. Not through the countryside, through the undulating hills. No walks in the park, or hikes up steep mountains. You’ll never see the beach, the water, the waves. Not a single morning, afternoon, evening. Never witnessing a star. Just your little bubble, right where you currently are. Going nowhere, as long as that leg stands in your way.

Let go of the leg. Move beyond it’s safety. Do not forget it – carry it in your mind. But grow beyond it’s protection. It’s a blessing, you’re the one that can make it a curse.

When we drop our self-imposed obstacles, our potential is endless. Stop hiding, show yourself.




A man comes up to meet me,

He asks me what he wants to know,

I tell him what I have to say,

He listens, rises and goes,


Another approaches my presence,

To ask the same inquiry,

I respond in kind, the same old way,

He listens but does not hear me,


In theory they should take away,

The same exact message,

In reality, though, they walk away,

With completely different knowledge,


The difference between these two men,

Is where they are in life,

Two separate ways of existing,

Only one avoiding strife,


One cannot let go enough,

To hear the things around him,

The other is able to open his mind,

And feel the truth with vim,


One can listen, one cannot,

This is what divides these two,

The latter can never realize,

All the wisdom the former can accrue,


By listening.



You’re The Hero of Your Own Life

Hello again, welcome to a rather fine Tuesday afternoon.

I suppose there’s no point dawdling – what are my thinkings of the day?

English: , from the title sequence of the Supe...

You’re The Hero of Your Own Life (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Someone suggested to me something several weeks ago that at first I thought was silly, but now realize how powerful a thing it is. As conveniently said in the title: you are the hero of your own life. Simple as that.

Now the first thing I thought when I saw that was how egotistical a view that is. Self-centered. Selfish. Something someone that never thinks about anyone else would say. And I realized that it’s all down to the context, because that statement doesn’t have to mean that at all.

Like I’ve written about before, society seems to stress selfless-ness as an attribute, even though behind the scenes there are horrible amounts of corruption and selfishness. I’m suppose all that matters is if you’re caught or not.

But this isn’t a selfish thing – it’s a necessary thing. Recognizing who you are and what you’ve done is crucial in remembering what the important things in life are for you. I can’t express how many times I’ve lost myself because I’ve ignored who I was and what I valued, and instead focused all my energy on others. The best way I’ve can think to describe the it is that it feels like your a rag doll that being tossed and thrown around helplessly.

I always say that life is about growing yourself. Becoming a better person. Working on the things you’re not good at. None of that requires butting into other people’s business. I speak about humility and humbleness and not letting your ego or your pride lead you to do things you’d later regret. But looking at yourself as being the “hero” of your own life is hugely important because I believe you honor who you are and who’s life you’re living (your  own). Modesty is overrated in that way. Seeing and accepting something like that grounds you as a person. You’ll feel more stability.

This is not something meant to swell one’s ego and enforce arrogance. I see it as something that you can remember to appreciate yourself and guide you when things get tough. You can help guide others, but not until you’ve helped yourself.

You’re the hero of your own life… don’t shy away from that!


Mean What You Say, Say What You Mean

We’re creatures blessed with voices. A tool that’s as powerful as we make it. The truly talented speakers of our world can deliver beautiful and life-changing messages with their voices alone.

A powerful voice is one filled with confidence, one that speaks the truth and can be trusted. It is music to the ears and rings with accuracy to the heart.

A true voice does not require sound. The voice one has can shine through writing and art, through actions. It’s the way we communicate to the world, consciously of not. Every person has a voice, just as they have a personality. In fact it often seems one’s voice is a reflection of their personality.

Yet many of these voices in our world are lying, dishonest. They’re weak and insecure. Instead of create music to be enjoyed, they contribute to a cacophony of noise. These voices are but a shadow of what they could be, as they speak much but say little.

It is an extension of the self and capable of infinite possibilities. The only limit is it’s master… you.

Discover your voice. Use it with full belief. No one can stop you.


Ideas – The Beginnings of Everything


It’s Sunday, so I’m going to keep it short today. That’s because today is a restful day, and not many people read blogs on Sunday anyway.

I suppose what I’ve been noticing in particular today is the concept of ideas. What are ideas, where do they come from, why do they come to us?

It’s such a unique thing to ponder about, considering everything in our modern day world started with an idea or a collection of ideas. It’s fascinating just to fantasize about who came up with what ideas, but even more so how they have evolved – where they have gone, what they have become, where they are going.

I like to think about ideas in relation to literature, as a starting point. How physical objects, like a special pair of shoes, can inspire the ideas for a world that exists in our imaginations. All writing is a reflection of how one perceives the world, and many ideas spark other ideas.

Then I look at the rest of the world, and I can hardly fathom all that I am attempting to understand. Who came up with the invention of straws? Who decided we should use stop lights for traffic? Who thought up the idea to use headphones? There is so much out there, with so much history behind everything. I love the show How It’s Made, but even they cannot express the culture that these ideas collectively create. Ideas are the beginnings to everything. The have built up what the world is today.

So what if the internet, or the lightbulb, or even the zipper were never invented as they were in our reality? How would things be different? This spills into the theories of parallel universes and alternate realities. I won’t go so much into that today, as it’s Sunday, but that is something to which I will certainly return.

The point I’m trying to get at is that everything, everything has a story behind it. It’s why our world has so many kinds of “unique.” These ideas have been left to evolve, to grow into new things. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for not. They blend together and become new things. The amount of possibility is limitless.

And I think that this is part of what makes that specialness that’s often inexplicable about life. There is such an intricate, beautiful web of history that together builds up our lives. And all of this begins with simple notions, simple conceptions from you or me.

Think on that.


All Pain Is Temporary


I’m back again! Even though it’s only been two days since I’ve done a full-on posting, it feels like it’s been an eternity. It feels great to have the time to sit down and focus on writing again.

What do I have to say for today? It’s a pretty normal and calm day. Slow. Fairly painless. And this is all piques my interest and attention, because the lack of excitement truly capitalized a point for me that is very noteworthy about life as a whole.

Pain is temporary. It does not last, it cannot stay forever. It comes and it goes many times, over the course of our physical existence.

English: Cucumber, celery & apple juice

Hey, who said they are all bad? (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pain will find us all. I use the word “pain” to describe anything uncomfortable or preferably avoidable, along with the traditional definition of the word. From drinking the unpleasant vegetable juice, to severe depression, pain comes to us in different forms (note that for the former example, the pain I’m speaking of is the struggle to avoid the juice, as the drink itself will not inflict pain. This exemplifies the fact that many forms of pain are self-inflicted.).

It’s part of a cycle that creates our lives. The Pain-Pleasure cycle, as I like to call it. Neither end of the spectrum lasts forever, and neither pain, nor pleasure, can exist without the other. This is what keeps us on the material level, and moving beyond this cycle results in a

English: Paintings of Buddha meditating

Pain didn’t stop the Buddha. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

transition to the next level of existing. “Rising above”, as many would put it. Buddha is a great example, in his journey for Enlightenment through extreme austerity and other means. He did not allow pain to stop him, and thus moved forward in his growth.

When I say these things, I do not mean that pleasure must be left behind. I mean that material pleasure should eventually be seen for what it is, and thus be left behind. I don’t believe that the word ‘pleasure’ should be used in reference to something felt through physical means, as true pleasure does not depend on physical things, it is found within.

At the same time, we live on Earth, a place of material things. We’re all human, and indulging in such things is a part of living on Earth. I, and everyone else, indulge in physical things, and that should be an accepted fact of life, as many of us (me) are not yet ready to give up such things. It is when one loses themselves amongst the material wonders our world has, that material “pleasure” goes to far. Although it may seem like a paradox, unhappiness will ensue.

When one dies, it is believed that all worldly pains are left behind. By my logic, so do all worldly pleasures. It is said, though, that there is a distinct feeling of bliss that is unlike anything found on Earth. This is pleasure from within, found only from yourself and God (whatever you definition of the word is), which I believe is a part of who you are. Read this for more on that.

This also leads me to dis-believe in the orthodox Hell. Yes, I believe there are hells – places of pain and suffering. Some of these we create for ourselves. But I do not believe that they last forever, by any means. We’re all equal, and we all make mistakes, but no fault should be punished by eternal suffering.

Where am I going with this, you ask? I suppose these words are meant to be comforting and hopefully guiding. Comfort, because no matter what pain you’re in, you will move past it eventually, as it cannot plague you forever. And guidance, as this is yet another reminder of mine to remember to find and focus on the important things in life worth discovering – it’s different for everyone. I believe we will all move beyond this cycle eventually and keep on exploring the things that grow us as people.

In the meantime, let pain be your teacher on where to go and what to do. Don’t always shy away from discomfort. And remember that all pain is temporary.


A Word of Advice


Today was very long and action-packed, so a very short and late post for you.

It is true that I also had hardly any time to do any sort of trademark “deep thinkings”.

What I can say from my experiences of the day, of this summer, of this year, of my life, is that time zips right by far, far too quickly. We get caught up in our temporary and often ultimately meaningless problems. I personally let much of my anxiety and fear, worries and anguish take over. When I’m in that mode of feeling, it consumes my thoughts and awareness and ultimately brings down my appreciation on life.

I know it’s easy to say these things than to do them. I’m aware of that. But I believe it’s a good thing to keep in mind – too much stress is very harmful, and many of us stress far too much.

Also, one will find that it’s usually just a small switch of mindset to step “above” the current issue. Tendencies to worry have gotten to the point of being habits, and I think we should start to change that about our lives. Think about it.

That’s all I have to say for today. I apologize for being so concise, but at the same time, I think doing this makes my message a lot clearer.

I’m not sure if I will be able to blog tomorrow, although I’ll try. Have yourself a fun Friday the 13th!


Times Will Change You

We’re always changing,

It’s out of our control,

Let things happen,

Let the waves roll,


Times move so rapidly,

They come together, then disperse,

You and I cannot command,

The flow of our universe,


For those of us stuck,

In having our way,

Ahead lays a fruitless battle,

With change in the fray,


Be strong with yourself,

Know who you are,

But let life take you,

To the near and to the far,


Feel the world around you,

Look at the clouds in the sky,

There is change, in everything,

You’re born, you live and you die,


We’re always changing,

It’s out of our control,

Let things happen,

Let the waves roll,



Slowwww Down


Ah, well, there are many things that I have still to learn.

Speed seems to be everything for people now. Not only does it seem as though there are technological advancements daily, but everything is instant now. Texting/Social Networking/Skype – it’s all so immediate. Everything is in your face, trying to suck up some of your attention and time and money.

Everyone wants faster, better, more efficient. If you have the newest iPhone, you’re cool. People will give you more attention, guaranteed.

What we forget as we grow into this accelerating maelstrom of digital connecting, is that it’s


Never does there seem to be the time to stop. (Photo credit: antony_mayfield)

affecting our entire lives. Our entire life suddenly has to be faster, better, more efficient. There’s no time for breaks if you want to be successful.

If you can’t get enough sleep, there are “solutions” for that too. Please welcome our good friend caffeine. A consistently used short-term solution. It’s unhealthy to rely on such “quick-fixes” to say the least.

That’s where many of us have gone. At the velocity that everything is going, it’s impossible to keep up otherwise. Want to make more money? Push yourself harder. I have heard of lawyers making an excess of money but never being able to take breaks or vacation, because the line of work that they are in constrains them from doing so. When does one plan so end the vicious cycle?

That’s completely missing the point of living. You don’t come into your life with anything material, and you leave without a single material thing, so why make it the goal of your life to compile something ultimately meaningless (in terms of growing as a person)?

I recognize that there is now a certain level of necessity to money in living, and there’s no escaping that. Again, it’s a balance – losing yourself in material pleasures vs. abstaining so much as to not enjoy life. Finding that balance is crucial, and one of the keys to moving in the right direction.

I say these things today, because I myself have come across those exact issues. I’ve become very fixated on the success of this blog, the success of everything in my life. My achievements are never enough, as I must always be better. There is no way to keep up, to always be able to move faster and faster.

The solution? Slow down. It may seem like a contradictory statement, but it make sense. Obviously accelerating to higher levels of speed is harmful and not working. What’s the definition of insanity?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

–Albert Einstein

Life is an awful and frustrating place if whatever it is that you’re doing is never good enough. It all stems from how you choose to view your life, and the perspective that you choose to have. A failure for one can be a success for another. You’re the only one that can pick which you’d like to view things as.

Possibly the most important part of slowing down? Many beauties of life are subtle and hidden, and can only be found with patient eyes. For me, this is where much of the value of living resides. Gluing yourself to your computer, although an amazing tool, will bring your quality of living down a bit.

Slowing down in your life allows for more space to listen to what your mind and body are feeling in response to the things around you. One can exist more ‘in the moment’ and truly extract things otherwise impossible to find in life. You can find your bliss if you don’t race through life.

So slow down and re-evaluate what really matters to you – these are the things that should always take top priority. And if you value them enough, you’ll make them happen.


You Know Your Way Home

Hello everyone,

It’s Sunday, will another week soon to commence. My thinkings are directed towards the value of “finding your life”. That’s my way of saying how momentous it is to know who you are. If you know yourself, your life will have so much more direction.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to find your footing in life and lead it the way you want to. It’s your life after all, and despite all the pressure society places on focusing on others, you’re the most important person to yourself, and you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.

I read a book recently that is perhaps the perfect example of this. When you don’t know where you are, and you’re doing things you don’t want to/don’t understand, life can be a confusing and hard place. Like I always say, you have to be brave and honest, and look within to see what you’re doing that’s not working. Step into the unknown, explore what hurts and what’s holding you back.

You Know Your Way Home by Suzanne Jauchius (photo credit:

You Know Your Way Home by Suzanne Jauchius (photo credit:

You Know Your Way Home, by Suzanne Jauchius is a book that retells the true story of a psychic woman (Jauchius herself) that is lost and unhappy. Over the course of her fascinating life, though, she discovers what really matters to her, and she sheds the things in her life that are holding her back – including five husbands.

The thing about this book that hits the chord within me is how Jauchius describes and faces her issues about being alone and misunderstood. I’m not alone in saying that I sometimes feel the same way. Being psychic, Suzanne often struggled with a lack of acceptance for who she was. Her journey is incredible from start to finish.

Not only is the story itself absolutely enthralling, but the entire book is written with inspiration. Suzanne displays immense courage in reiterating painful and private moments in her life. The struggles that she faced, we all eventually have to face. Challenges and obstacles can be overcome if don’t let fear stop you.

I highly recommend the read! You can look into it a bit more here:
